Describe What’s Inscribed

I see you: all throughout my day and on the depths of my dreams. From one point to another, I see a line that is perfectly curved; shaped like a heart that ends at a right angle; above a soft hill of cotton and pillow – my mind is tangled for a reason which I can never bear. I am strong and weak at the same time. One lever extending forever and a pulley that is mine for rolling. I remember a smile that is a s colorful as the rainbow and a laughter that is as unwavering as the ocean. I remember a height taller than the mountains with a voice that was as deep and low as the echos resounding around its darkest caves. Five figures, that once filled the gaps of mine, was my sweet surrender. I remember it like days were seconds, a minute yesterday, recalling nothing but outbreaks  – my temptation seeks defiance. I am bound to float under your gravity but my soul touches even down and underneath.

Love Keeps

Love is a timekeeper –
I ask no gravity of to hold our
Yesterdays, todays, tomorrows
It will be held.
They are ours;
Every spring to winter,
Every day to forever;
No less than the days of the sun’s shining,
No less than the stars in this galaxy,
No less than the court’s verdicts

These days
I love you
I’ve loved you, still
Always and always
No matter the change of
Your heart’s beating
Or your mind’s thinking

I love you, right now
Again and again;
Even the absence of its will,
Or the deeds you could feel;
I hang on time and time,
But not too much, and
Not too tight, but on and on
For my love lives,
Whilst no growth

So the days stay,
With an endless replay;
For my love never leaves,
And this love keeps
Hours and days,
Every day that’s ours.

Know Not

There’s something in between
What you don’t know,
and what you know;
It’s what you shouldn’t know:

It redeems no sympathy,
But regards truth, going beyond
the reach of even the deepest of the
mind’s thinking and working;
It seeks no shelter of contentment,
But pauses, stopovers and,
Then leaves for good;
Along the highways of the breakings;

But what is it that you should not know,
And what is it that you should have known,
How is it when you have never known,
Among all these that hurt either way, anyway.


It was a moment of disordered emotions over the banishment of worlds;
Within the extremes of the unknown, and the stirring of the universe;
I held every currents to my despair,
to all the gloom derived by mood and its contenders
I moved like air – light and indefinite
On and through the edges of sympathy and talks
Swayed and pushed by all this wasting

Accounting Us

Accounting Us-

I’ve longed to keep the profit of us,
But all was lost by the distant wind,
That pushed the seconds, to minutes, and into years,
And years and years; receivable by none;

Litter unto me, the sales and balances,
Of the business that grew the height of old,
Rooted by the snow that colored the darkness,
And a backbone bent whilst your invoice redeem;

What equity is lost when capital walks by and away?
Investments fall downward spiral in lanes on loop,
My inward cry to this regard, why, of all my love,
You disregard the claims of me, and turn to yesterday?

Shaping my wounds to bigger debts and filling dockets,
As I, depositing my membrane to run on deductibles:
What more of good is sold; what more of goods is good,
In the shining of stars on a moonless night?

I cannot solve you; not logic nor arithmetic
Even the words in this couldn’t have the strength,
To calculate dividends of each’s holdings,
But I keep on accounting us,

And interest finds me nonetheless.

Sweetest Aromonth

Love is best seen on a February. From schools and offices to restaurants, down to many different places, love is over a hundred percent visible, especially on the fourteenth day of the month. It is considered as an occasion; a time of the year when the spirit of love brightens every person’s mood like a Christmas cheer; a celebration and commemoration of St. Valentine’s pious advocacy for love; and an awareness day for those who are singular at heart. Valentines day is a moment of remembering the odds, the beauty and the greatness of what love brings us. Two types of people arise from this occasion.

At this time, the population of the people is in a ratio. It is divided by two in a couple sense. One type of people rising on a February are those who are in a commitment or in a relationship with another person. These can either be the married ones or the people who are in the boyfriend-and-girlfriend chapter. Lucky cards are played with joy, they are played well, and they are handled right right for a win. Happiness is in a woman’s smile as she receives bouquet of roses, chocolates, or teddy bears, while man smirks as he let go of the bucks remaining or saved in his wallet. The manner by which surprises were overthrown magnifies the intensity of one’s love for their partners. Great love is shared and returned to how it is given. People in this bracket are lucky to have found the one. They are the halves that never give up on their partners; ones who give love to themselves apart from sharing it; and the ones who understand what love is and act accordingly by their definition. May it be the one or not, treatment is nonetheless the deciding factor of every one’s place value in the heart.

Another type focuses on the singularity of a being. One has to be whole before it is shared. People of this type are alone but doesn’t merely conclude that they are lonely. Concise but unprecisely your every definition of a single person. Valentine’s day, in some way, is a single’s awareness day. This becomes a time of remembering what have been and pondering on what could have been or what should have been in a past or almost relationship. Some single people date themselves on this special day day. Others, go out with their friends and families. One’s celebration of the fourteenth of February lies on their brief comprehension of its core foundation.

The significance that feelings are expressed is one’s soul satisfaction. The triumph wherein two-way streets lead to one destination shows the aesthetic of life when love is incorporated. We are everyday present to continuously know how to love and be loved; how live and believe. Better yet, one could simply teach us these without the aid of words and you just have to let it be. There is one thin line between the divergence of these people – what they follow.

Follow your heart.

Parental Express

Parents are the basis of norms. They are the guide of every child’s journey in life. We merit both their good and bad characters as genes allowed us to. In time, we create a name with theirs streaming by, no matter what we have come to be. As a daughter of two extraordinary parents, I ought to share the beauty of my parents – in all aspects, in all ways, and in all things in every facet of my life.

My father is a man of words. He utters less and acts more. Although, short on words, we understand him clearly as thousand words do. His control of the entire family is outstanding with every command being followed. In silent treatment, he taught me to respect and be respected. Closeness was a matter of showing care, and sheer words were no hindrance. I grew up idolizing my father – his strong faith in God, his intelligence, his witty remarks, and his leadership. I realized that he was my ideal man. Someday, I would marry someone as great as my father.

Mother knows best, and mine does by all means. She is a woman of love, beauty and compassion. Her hands are the softest just as her embrace was my ultimate comfort. She sees to it every dinner time that the family discussion is on a continuous thread. Talks were spontaneous and experiences were shared. Through this, values are filtered, the good ones were left for absorption. My mom is a very good entertainer – she delivers jokes well, making hard days easy enough with a dose of laughter. Her humor is at best during down time. She is a peacemaker; an open-minded person; a bridge to every arguments – she keeps a well-rounded family. I want to grow up like her.

My mother and father are not perfect parents but they are the ideal ones. Unlike most parents, they don’t fight in front of their children  nor scold them in front of other people. Each has a good share for the family’s welfare and development. My father may be lacking in words but my mother could simply undertake it all. Vice versa, my father is our family’s control center or the brains and my mother is the front-line doer. All the while , both have their ways of showing their love which promotes balance in the family. We may not go often on a vacation compared to other families, but we never let a day pass without simple talks on one table. We may not be as rich and wealthy as the others, but wants and needs entailed us to be patient. One day, I may grow up without my parents but I will continue on in life carrying what I have learned from them.